Permutation in String
Sliding Window
Given two strings s1 and s2, write a function to return true if s2contains the permutation of s1. In other words, one of the first string's permutations is the substring of the second string.
For example:
Thought Process
We can use a HashMap to remember the frequencies of all characters in the given pattern. Our goal will be to match all the characters from this HashMap with a sliding window in the given string.
We have a static window size of the length of the pattern
Follow Up: Can you find all Anagrams in the String
Key Points
Using a frequency hash map to compare pattern's character frequency with the characters in our sliding window
We are moving our window in the size of our pattern so that the current window size (and the characters within it) can always be compared to our pattern
When char_freq[letter] hits 0, that means we have found all occurences of that letter in our string
Using a static window
Before we add the next letter, we shrink our window first
We are comparing the len(hashMap) because haspMap has all the count of characters
Time Complexity
Time: where ‘N’ and ‘M’ are the number of characters in the input string and the pattern, respectively.
Space: since in the worst case, the whole pattern can have distinct characters that will go into the HashMap.
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